Nationale Honigbiene


Brauchen Sie einen Leitfaden für Anfänger in der Bienenzucht?

Beekeeping is worth your time and effort. Honey will be a reward for your patience. Honey is as old and as important as civilization. For as long as man has existed, honey-bees have been around.

Even in the Bible, beekeeping was mentioned, and it was enough to pursue. King Solomon spoke about it, Aristotle studied them, as did Virgil, the Roman poet. In the 800-900 AD, the Irish or Norwegians brought beekeeping to America.

There have been many discoveries made about beekeeping since then. However, there is one thing that has remained constant: a movable frame that will protect the bees while they are being transported. Safe transport and management of bees was only possible after Lorenzo Langstroth invented a beehive or movable frame.

Today, most hive frames are similar to the one Lorenzo Langstroth in 1852. It can be easily moved and allows for safe handling of the honeybees, even when harvesting it.

Understanding the Anatomy of Bees

Before you can begin beekeeping, it is important to understand the anatomy of bees. This information is necessary to assess the health and strength of a colony, as well as identify any diseases.

The head, the abdomen and the thorax are the three main parts of all insects. Bees are different from all other insects in that they have a wax gland, two stomachs, and only two wings. These wings are actually four wings with tiny hooks that connect the fore wing and the aft, making them appear like one wing.

The head houses the eyes, proboscis and antennae. The eye, like all insects, are compound eyes. This means that the eye you see is actually thousands of simple eyes connected together. Bee eyes can see ultraviolet light, but they cannot see red. The antennae aren’t your typical antennae. They detect chemicals in the air and guide the bees towards a potential meal. The antennae can also detect air speed and direction, humidity, temperature, vibrations due to sound, and temperature. The proboscis collects the nectar and pollen, and transfers it to the honey stomach. The legs and wings are contained in the thorax.

The forelegs double as antennae cleaners. The midlegs are used by the hive to remove pollen and the hindlegs collect it using its pollen basket. These hairs are specially made to hold pollen in the hindlegs. The abdomen contains the remaining parts of the bees, including the stomachs, heart and wax glands. The stinger is attached to the abdomen of a bee, which is why they die soon after being stung.

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To get Started

If your local government allows beekeeping, it is possible to keep bees in urban and rural areas. There are many benefits to having a healthy local population of bees. Bees play a vital role in pollinating local plants and keeping other aggressive insects away.

It is not difficult to get started, provided you have the right equipment. A bee suit, jacket, gloves, hat, and veil are all essential protection for beekeepers. A smoker is also necessary to be able to safely work with the bees. A smoker is a device that delivers small amounts of smoke to calm the bees. The bees will naturally respond to smoke in their hives, and prepare to evacuate it. The guard bees’ pheromone alarm signal is also disrupted by the smoke, which causes the smoke to interrupt the defense attack against any intruder to hive. The beekeeper is prevented from launching a defense attack by smoking the hive.

The hive and all its sections are the main piece of equipment for beekeeping. There are many options available for stocking your bee hive. You have the option to purchase a colony that is already established, or to collect sworn bees. Package bees are best for beginners. Honeybees are social creatures and can live in colonies that can have several thousand bees.

The whole colony benefits from the work of the bees. They build the comb, collect food, and take care of the young colonies together. Honey is made by bees when there are plenty of food sources. Beekeepers profit from this process and take the honey to sell or use for their own purposes. The honey will get darker over time so it is important to not leave excess honey in the beehives. Although honey’s color doesn’t affect its taste or quality, consumers prefer honey that is lighter in color. It is important to not harvest honey too soon. The honey will still contain too much water if it is harvested before the bees have finished their work.

The importance of Beehive

To take care of bees, you need a hive. This hive is not natural and allows bees to store honey in additional frames. The hive is a large box that is stacked on top of one another, usually four high, with a small exit or entrance at the bottom. The hive’s first two boxes are for the young. They lay eggs, take care of the hive, and keep it running. The last and highest boxes are for honey storage. This is placed between the first and third boxes to act as a barrier for the queen to not lay eggs on the third or fourth boxes. The top has a cover that allows beekeepers to remove frames and inspect the frames.

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You must take care of your honeybees, whether you are doing it for profit or pleasure. The location of the beehive (or apiary) is an important aspect of bee management. This is one of the most important aspects in beekeeping. There are some rules. You should ensure that your immediate surroundings have flowering plants and trees. Bees can forage up to 1 to 1.5 miles away from the hive.

Beehive Location

To find out what plants are in your area and how dense they are, take a look around. The honey you get will be more plentiful the more flowers the bees find. The hive should be placed in an area that is neither too hot nor cold. For brood production, bees require a constant temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit. It is best to keep the hive in the shade when it’s hot and expose it to the sun when it’s cold. To maintain a constant temperature in the hive, keep it away from high winds. High bushes, shrubs, and short trees can help to protect the frame from high winds.

The entrance to the hive should always face towards the sun and should be slightly tilted forward. This will prevent water from building up and causing mildew or fungal growth. It is also important to locate the hive close to a water source. The hive must be able to cool down and drink plenty of water. You can provide water to your bees by setting up a water feeder, birdbath, or similar device if there is no water source. Every now and again, clean the water source.

Beehive Inspection and Honey Extraction

To inspect, harvest, or open up your hive, you will need gloves, a veil and gloves. The veil is a protective screen that protects your face from possible stings. To protect your other parts, the gloves can be worn in conjunction with sealed clothing. The smoker calms the bees and prevents them from swarming. The hive tool, which is a small prybar specially designed to open the top cover, is also used to keep the bees at bay.

Bees only swarm once per year. We all know this. This is because bees produce new queens, and these queens need a new hive. Sometimes, the old queen will swarm out of the hive and leave the task to the new queen. The beekeeper is responsible for preventing the bees from swarming and hiving a swarm. Follow the path of the bees and you can hive them. After swarming, bees usually calm down and find a hive. This allows you to expand your hobby and hive them in a frame hive.

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It is very easy to extract honey. To extract honey, you simply need to use the smoker to calm the bees. To get the honey stored in the wax cap, you need to remove it. To easily cut off the wax cap, you can use a heated knife or heat the honeycombs. After extracting honey, it is strained and heated before being filtered before being placed in jars or bottles. The honey frames that are empty can be stored permanently or reused to refill the hive.

Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby that can be turned into a business. Get the best equipment and learn as much as possible. Soon you’ll be enjoying the sweet rewards of helping the honeybees, pollinating your community and producing honey.


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